Welcome, Hugo.
Welcome, this is basically both a test and a little run-down of what I’ve done with Hugo so far.
What’s Hugo you ask? I have no idea really, but it makes it easy to build a blog using .md (markdown) files so that’s pretty sick.
Theme shopping
I spent many hours looking at themes, here’s some common problems:
- They didn’t list (or seem to have?) KaTeX or mathjax support.
- They were way too ’narrow’ for my taste.
- They were too slow or even the demo page was glitchy and needed 1,000 javascripts.
I think the first point is actually easy to address with a custom header, but that wasn’t obvious to me at first.
Anyway the theme that I went with is gokarna. It’s pretty neat, and the tutorial got me started pretty quick.
Minor adjustments
I used Favicon Generator to convert the avatar for the site into icons used by the Hugo theme. I made the avatar itself with Krita, I love the brushes ✏️
The instructions for KaTeX on the gokarna example were a teeny bit out of date.
I used the following addition to config.toml
(which is used by Hugo to
generate the site) using the header suggested in KaTeX docs -
customHeadHTML = '''
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.2/dist/katex.min.css" integrity="sha384-bYdxxUwYipFNohQlHt0bjN/LCpueqWz13HufFEV1SUatKs1cm4L6fFgCi1jT643X" crossorigin="anonymous">
<!-- The loading of KaTeX is deferred to speed up page rendering -->
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.2/dist/katex.min.js" integrity="sha384-Qsn9KnoKISj6dI8g7p1HBlNpVx0I8p1SvlwOldgi3IorMle61nQy4zEahWYtljaz" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!-- To automatically render math in text elements, include the auto-render extension: -->
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.2/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js" integrity="sha384-+VBxd3r6XgURycqtZ117nYw44OOcIax56Z4dCRWbxyPt0Koah1uHoK0o4+/RRE05" crossorigin="anonymous"
With any luck you can see this equation which I used in my PhD:
$$ \frac{ 1 }{ \pi } \int_{ \Gamma } \frac{ g(\xi) }{ \xi - \alpha } \, \mathrm{d} \xi = 0 $$EDIT: I have since updated the approach to using mathematics via https://gohugo.io/content-management/mathematics/
Useful links
Not much to add beyond what you’ll find on 🦆🦆, but here are the links that got me this far:
- Hugo - Quick Start: quick start guide, right.
- Hugo - Host on Gitlab: hosting on gitlab or github is super easy (pick one I guess!)
- 526avijitgupta/gokarna: the source for the gokarna
theme, check the